Accountability is the thin line between a manager and a true leader. While the first one merely delegates, the latter has the acumen to share the accountability of his team in both ups and downs.
Why does a leader need to be accountable?
Your title ‘leader’ says it all. You are the one leading your team and you are the one they are unconsciously observing and following. If you want your team to practice accountability, you need to set an example first. It’s as simple as that.
‘I haven’t made the mess, so I am not responsible.’
A true leader would never say these words. He would instead be specific in what he wants from his subordinates and simultaneously accept his share of accountability for his team. When you take your share of the responsibility, your team would step in to take theirs too.
Be specific in your instructions to your team. They should know what you want them to do instead of having to ask you repeatedly for direction.
Define your goals and the team will know their goals too. When you do that, your team works towards a positive outcome rather than a slave to finish a task. In their own little way, your team members are becoming leaders themselves and learning to accept their share of the output.