Google officially dropped Q&A on Google in search results


Google has officially dropped the Q&A function in Google search results. Instead of answering your question, you’ll see a link to the top result on Google for that query. It is not something new, and it’s been happening ever since they released Knowledge Graph back in 2012. This discusses entirely the release of Q&A on Google in search results.

The company has announced to Search Engine Land that the Q&A on Google in search results is being phased out. This was first introduced in India in 2019 for Indian searchers, and now Google has informed individuals who submitted questions or answers that it would be discontinued.

According to a Google spokesman, this has no bearing on the Google Question Hub function, but it influences users’ ability to provide answers to questions asked through Google Search. Publishers may access Google Question Hub to see questions posed by users and respond to them by developing new web pages.

The ability for Google Search users to actively contribute to these inquiries is no longer available, although Question Hub is still available.

How Does the Q/A on google in search results look like?

Q&A on Google in search results

The Q&A on google in the search results will not be visible in search results, but the information is still available on, and you can find them by clicking “Show all answers.” The company’s hope for this change is that it would make room for more informational content and answer queries that are not questions.

How does Google’s Q&A work?

Google’s Q&A is a little more complicated than a simple search. When Google searches, it also tries to answer what you are looking for at the same time. For example, if you searched “Where was Winston Churchill born?” in Google Search or Chrome on your computer and then tapped on the blue word “answer” that appears below this result, you’ll see a summary of the article Google found on this topic. 

To use Q&A yourself without searching for it, type your question into the search bar and then tap “Search tools.” On mobile devices like smartphones or tablets with larger screens, tap in the top right corner to open up more options and select “Q&A.”

Does Google Q&A help a business rank better?

Q&A on Google in search results

Google Q&A is a great way to engage with your audience, but it does not affect search rankings. We recommend adding articles ranked high on Google for keywords related to the topic being discussed to increase traffic and rank higher on SERPs. With the release of Chrome 66, Google officially dropped Q&A from their search results. This is due to a change in policy for how they show unique content on sites other than those considered authoritative.

What are the benefits of the Q&A section?

The Q&A section of Google was a place where users could ask questions related to any topic. This helped people find answers to almost anything they searched for. The lack of this feature in search results will leave many wondering what other features were removed and how these decisions can be reversed since the removal is not related to specific issues with the product.

About the author

Divya Gandotra

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By Divya Gandotra

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I like to observe things closely, and my writing comes from the aspects hidden in daily lives.
I am passionate for writing and love to elevate every brand's value with my skills. Now, it's been 5 years that I am managing a content development agency of my own, mastering the best of both Worlds.