The COVID-19 crisis has definitely shaken up things considerably and has changed the entire world for generations to come. Industries all over the world have been affected sorely by the crisis and the lives of ordinary people have changed as well. In this kind of scenario, how a brand reaches out to its audience is very important.
Companies have to figure out the best ways to take care of their content marketing tasks in an empathetic, reassuring and constructive way.
What to consider in content marketing
Apart from figuring out exactly what to do in this climate, it is also very important for you to know what you should not do. In times of crisis, content marketing is not an exception and it is very important to come up with empathetic and reassuring messages for your demo.
Take a look at this guide if you want to know exactly what to do and what not to do during this global crisis of truly staggering proportions.
Display Empathy for the Situation:
You have to address your audience and attempt to inform and educate them – while offering solutions to their problems. Usually, your readers will be able to understand when you are not being empathetic. If you avoid tone-deaf pronouncements and show some understanding, then you know that your audience will try to connect with you.
Don’t Try to Downplay the Crisis:
Another mistake that marketers make is they try to do things that downplay the crisis. Do not make any attempts to diminish the experiences of what people all over the world are going through. It is way more important to show your audience how you are giving back to the community at large.
Focus on Educational Content:
In times of uncertainty and risk, educational content will be appreciated way more than promotional content. It is a good idea to come up with content that is somehow related to the trending topics now. This will also help you to ensure that your content gets some traction on search engines, social media platforms, etc.
Keep Providing Company Updates:
It is very true that crises are made worse if there is a lot of uncertainty and rumors going around. Keep the rumor mill at bay by providing company updates and news on a regular basis. Make sure that your social media profiles are updated on a regular basis – this will be very helpful indeed.
Know What Your Audience Wants:
Every successful content marketer is aware of what their audiences are looking for. If you want to know some more, then you can send out survey forms to gauge exactly what your audience would like to see during these times. This step can help you to curate your content in a very good way.
These are only some of the things that you can do to keep up on your content marketing during a time of crisis. The COVID-19 pandemic has changed lives and society for good – but that does not mean that you will stop helping people to grow and better themselves.