The content marketing strategy of your company depends on your team’s ability to create awesome content. Becoming a thought leader is not easy, and a lot of effort is required. Every company’s objective is to create content that can garner higher conversions and engagement. Here is how you can exactly do Thought Leadership Content. About Thought Leadership Content It helps to build the audience’s...
Everybody Wants Thought Leadership Content. But How Do You Do It, Exactly?
The Dos And Don’ts Of Utilizing The Power Of Internal Linking
Deploying internal links helps in adding value to the webpage, and it is also an excellent SEO strategy. Two of its significant advantages are: It offers your content with search engine acknowledgment. It hooks up users on your site. You should avoid using internal links hither and thither; they should naturally blend into the content to shed light on the topic’s in-depth details. You can...
Risk Vs. Reward: How To Build A Diversified Content Portfolio
Great content marketing is similar to an investment portfolio. Many small investors think that several kinds of investments provide a different purpose. The same logic is applicable in Diversified Content Portfolios, so there is no one best kind of content marketing. All topics, like search content, content lane, sales enablement, thought leadership have some weaker and stronger areas...
Take Charge, Be A Voice Of Reason And Keep Publishing
With the strike of the COVID 19 pandemic, 2020 has been a hard year for most people no matter whether he is a businessman or some other professional. But amid all the crises and challenging situations, some businessmen managed to stand upright and kept on doing good business. The businessmen who made proper marketing of their products and services, who kept on publishing contents on their...
How Can You Manage Your Business/Brand’s Online Reputation Effectively?
Online reputation management can seem daunting and intimidating because there are so many websites and social media platforms where your business can be mentioned. It is very difficult to police all of those mentions at the same time. Here are some great strategies which you can use for effective ORM. Answer customer doubts promptly: The best way to do ORM is so mitigate negative reviews before...
Unemployment Level in the Post-Covid Months: The Silver Lining We Are Looking At
The post-covid months had seen a steep rise in the unemployment rate, but with things normalizing now, the rate of unemployment is again falling to almost the pre-covid level. In spite of the economists fearing a difficult recovery, it is clear now that the country is almost back on track when it comes to finding employment. Especially in the rural areas, where a massive number of migrant workers...
The Pandemic Doesn’t Mean That You Shouldn’t Get Paid
The economic meltdown can be a major spoiler for your raise and paycheque this year. But if you look closer, the pandemic is actually opening new doors for you to prove your worth. While your company is facing tough times, you can be the one to find viable solutions. Be the one who suggests alternative business avenues or keeps the customer relationship alive. In a nutshell, be the one whom your...
Anytime vs Any Time – an error of all times
Have you ever wondered how the meaning of a word gets changed with a slight change in the spelling? Most of us are blissfully unaware of the difference and keep using the words arbitrarily. Take ‘anytime’ and ‘any time’ for instance. The little space in between the two words ‘any’ and ‘time’ can result in a complete change of meaning even though...
6 Tips for Creating a Readable Content
They say that readers online have the attention span of a goldfish. So if you expect your audience to be hooked to your article, you need to provide content that is engaging enough to keep them on the page. While we all struggle to produce readable content without compromising on the quality, there are actually a few simple tricks that can make the job easy. Customize: Your blog or article should...
The Changing Office Space in the Post Pandemic Work Culture
In the past few years, I have seen several companies adopt the work from the home policy as the system undoubtedly turned out to be economic and convenient for both ends. This setup, however, is no longer an option in the post-Covid months where everyone is compelled to function from the precincts of their homes. But how much is that going to impact the office space? It has been tried and tested...