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How Important is it to Update My Website Content Regularly?


In the world of digital marketing, Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is a very important aspect. Did you know that a recent survey discovered that 68% of all online experiences begin with a Google search? Leveraging search engines will also promote growth. In fact, a study by Bright Edge has shown that SEO marketing drives 1000% more traffic than other organic social media. To make the most out of...

Tracking the Cyberattacks Rise Amidst the Pandemic


In August, the Ministry of Electronics and Information Technology (Melty) informed the Indian people that Indian individuals, commercial outfits, etc. faced 375 cyber attacks on a daily basis. There has been a meteoric increase in the number of attempted cyberattacks, which has been attributed to the increased level of cybersecurity awareness. In fact, as cyberattacks rise, some of the biggest...

Ways to start being more creative


Surviving in the business world is not at all easy if you are not creative. I found that in problem-solving, the more important thing is to be creative. The more creative you are, the better it is for you in the long run. Well, I tried to prefer having a routine wherein a certain time of the day; I think what creative changes can I make. Initially, it does not seem easy to you, and for that, you...

6 Skills to become a Pro in Content Writing


True that every new kid on the block is a content writer now and with no dearth of digital platforms, it is indeed easy to get published. However, unless the posts create an impact, most writers fail to survive in the long run. If you want to stand out as a content writer and make your word count, you need to brush up on a few vital skills. Know how to tell a story. It’s all in the technique that...

Why too much content is an enemy for your brand?


Quantity or quality? The eternal debate holds true for content writing too. There was a time when heavy content was preferred for ranking well in the search engine because more volume meant more keywords.  This myth is, however, busted now as Google lays more weight on the quality of the content than on its size. Given that the attention span of a reader is dangerously low, most of the content...

4 Tips for effective content marketing


Your job as a content marketer doesn’t end with writing good content and publishing it on various platforms.  What you need first and foremost is to ascertain your target and then move towards it strategically. Most content marketing fails to happen when marketers don’t define what they are working for.  Growth is of course the most obvious target of your content marketing. But how to...

5 Content Marketing Trends to Watch in 2021


Content marketing is the new strategic marketing trend that allows the purpose of delivering brand promotion. It is widely used to create, publish and distribute among the targeted audience. These marketing tactics need more development through trends followed by an individual. With the rise and development of the marketing sector, people or industry experts are now focused and used to content...

3 Essentials For Success: Sleep, Positive Thinking, and Exercise


Success is one of the basic desires of every ambitious person. People must know about the basic essentials for success to achieve prosperity in their professional as well as personal life. Most of the people who followed the basic essentials are now successful achievers in life. If you want to get success then follow regular and proper sleep, positive thinking, and exercise. These three are the...

Working From Home 101: How To Work Remote Successfully


With the effect of pandemics around the globe, work-from-home has become a widely popular option for all kinds of public and private sector companies. Around 55% of companies offer the capacity to work remotely in the world. There are a lot of benefits of getting such a working option for an employee or worker. It is mostly preferred by workers due to flexible work hours in the comfort of their...

Do’s and Don’ts of Public Speaking


A good orator must have exceptional public speaking skills to connect to his audience or listeners. If you desire to become a professional public speaker, then you must learn the balance of speech and behavior related to it. Your skills to communicate and connect with the public should be appealing yet informative. Your speech should be creative as well as pertinent to the audience. Make sure...

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I like to observe things closely, and my writing comes from the aspects hidden in daily lives.
I am passionate for writing and love to elevate every brand's value with my skills. Now, it's been 5 years that I am managing a content development agency of my own, mastering the best of both Worlds.